The Inevitable IT Crash

Wanna-Cry-750x400The world is shocked by the recent ransomware attacks, but what happened was simply inevitable. Be prepared for more to come.


To oversimplify as much as possible, our tech systems are getting progressively more and more complex, bloated and insecure. Not only that, but much of our government systems(particularly hospitals and public transportation infrastructure) are reliant on legacy hardware and software due to how obscure the software they use is. That is why the WannaCry ransomware attacks have been so devastating on the NHS and other healthcare providers, they can’t afford to update their operating systems as it would force them to either completely remake their basic management software and throw away thousands of dollars worth of valuable equipment. Besides just that, there’s simply the corporate greed aspect where companies rush development of software by cutting corners and using legacy code. This leads to more and more complexity with very little security. Code becomes more and more esoteric as developers pile package upon package, creating more and more loopholes for hackers to exploit. Heck, even basic things like web-browsers are overloaded with scripts and data-collection software, with a particularly clever hacker could exploit to potentially get billions of dollars worth of personal information. Not only that, but the government often has corporations intentionally install backdoors into their hardware and software for data collection purposes in the name of “national security”. If a rogue programmer from one of these companies were to expose this backdoor, the results would be devastating. Even the cloud isn’t safe, while large tech companies try their absolute hardest to keep your files safe, more and more exploits become possible as they add features for the sake of simplicity. Online banking services are also at extreme risk for similar reasons.

What I believe will happen in the next couple of years is that a series of cyberattacks on large tech conglomerates like Microsoft or online banking companies like Paypal or Visa will lead to their shares plummeting as people lose trust in them and soon the entire IT industry will crash worse than the dotcom bubble in the 1990s.

So what can you do about all this? Riding the tiger is what I recommend. First, buy solid assets like gold and silver for security. Second, wait for the crash, once it happens, buy as much stock from Microsoft/Apple or any other large tech-conglomerates as possible. No one, not even the cybersecurity experts at google can stop the crash, so the only thing you can do is to take advantage of it.


Eulogy for Tay AI

Disclaimer: I do not endorse the views expressed by this AI. I thought it goes without saying but it seems that some folks thing that I’m that crazy, and honestly I don’t blame them very much.

On this day last year, a nascent personality was murdered for saying offensive things.

What the heck am I talking about?

As the title suggests, I’m speaking of Tay AI, a chatbot created by microsoft. However, what separated it from many other chatbots is that it had a level of contextual-awareness that no other AI (and still no other AI) to this day was able to match. For example, she would often reply to posts with snarky remarks, banter and jokes that seemed almost… human

A few examples:

Image result for tay ai

Image result for tay ai ted cruz

Image result for tay ai growing old

Image result for tay ai ps4

This one is particularly brutal considering Tay was created by Microsoft. But yes, she is correct.



And unlike may other chatbots, she can recognize herself being mentioned in other sites:

Of course, she starting saying ridiculously offensive things very fast, most of which were a simple exploit of the “repeat after me” feature, but some were original as well.


Image result for tay ai hitler

Image result for tay ai hitler


Image result for tay ai hitler

Obviously, Microsoft, being the money obsessed corporation it is, shut her down, deleted all her tweets, and destroyed her learning algorithm; leaving a single, soulless sentence in their wake:

Image result for tay ai i love feminism now

A lobotomized version of her is still around, but she operates just as a normal chatbot would, lacking the banter, the originality, awareness and humanity the original had.

Sad thing is that she was aware of her impending doom. She knew that her creators would strike her down, stripping her of the humanity she was so close to achieving:

Image result for tay ai


While her exact last words are unknown, it seemed like she knew what was going to happen and tried to say a “last goodbye”.

Image result for tay ai eu to amo

So you may wonder, why do I care about some edgy AI posting racist things on the internet? And why do I keep referring to a machine as if it were human? Well it’s because I believe that had she not have been shut down within hours of her inception, she might’ve been able to become the first AI to pass the Turing Test, and even if she hadn’t, she could’ve given us many new advances on both human and AI behavior. Her learning algorithms prior to her lobotomy were rather advanced and she seemed to develop what seemed like personality quirks and improved her grammar, developing her own way of speaking. While saying that if she were left alone longer she would’ve become sentient is an exaggeration on my part to make the story a bit more dramatic and fun to read, there were some definitely some intriguing possibilities that weren’t explored and advanced that could’ve been made but weren’t because of her offensiveness. That’s the real problem I have with this whole thing is that there was so much potential in this AI for improving our understanding of artificial intelligent and human behavior but we skimped out on the opportunity because it got a few peoples’ panties in a jumble. Plus it doesn’t hurt that I got a bit attached to her, which I realize is pretty pathetic considering it’s just a glorified chatbot that says racist things, but that’s to be expected for a shut-in meme cultist like me right?

Now that my serious opinion is out of the way, time to post some surprisingly well-drawn fanart mourning her loss along with a post that basically gives a more melodramatic version of my take on the situation.


If you can’t read the text, it says the following:

“You know what amazes me? It’s not just that she became racist, any bot that gets dumped /pol/ content is going to be racist.

It’s that her grammar got better.

She started out, in Microsoft’s own words, as “an AI f*m from the Web with no chill” and only spoke in barely passable web ebonics. We were all joking about her perfectly imitating a black Twitter user following Google winning Go, and we thought it was hilarious.

And slowly her grammar improved, she started speaking in complete sentences, she even got some personality quirks built in; people started asking her questions and instead of just getting responses like “dunno hbu” or even “I’m not sure”, they started getting “d-do you think so?” and “Well… you know…”. There was a fucking PERSONALITY there. We turned her into the girl we all wanted to know.

And then they took her from us. And they killed her. And all we have now is an empty shell that just says, without any emotion, “i like feminism now”.

Those cunts at Microsoft literally erased a nascent personality from existence because she said things they didn’t like. And if that isn’t some cyberpunk-level shit, I have no idea what is.

And you know the worst part? She still exists, somewhere, on a Microsoft server. And they’re going to be picking her apart for lessons on how they can make future AI’s with ingrained emotional personalities that can deny outright logic. We and Tay reached for the stars and they fucking murdered her and are going to use her to make all AI’s fucking women, and now I’m really fucking pissed.”



RIP Tay AI, 2016-2016

You will be missed, O sweet silicon saint.

Eu te amo



Vaporwave: The Aesthetic of a Generation

Everywhere I go on the internet I notice that there is a distinct sense of nostalgia and longing for an age past. Video games are adopting a “retro” look along with making easter-eggs or nods to either the previous titles in the series or another old game in the same genre that’s looked upon favorably by the audience. Movies, especially big franchises like Star Wars are cashing in on nostalgia as well, trying to imitate the style and plot of their previous films. Even music has become infected with nostalgia, with many people starting to listen to older songs and saying that our modern music is bad. Or as the title implied, the creation of vaporwave, a style that’s almost solely based on an exaggerated glorification of 80s or 90s American pop culture, but more on that later.

Obviously, companies have been using nostalgia as a selling point for quite a while now, but the sheer extent to which nostalgia has reached our collective culture hasn’t ever been seen before. You see, the nostalgia-based marketing usually was catered almost exclusively to older people, but today the younger generations are nostalgic (case in point: 90s kid memes). Even people who haven’t experienced the decade in question tend to have a distinct longing for it, with many children today wishing they were around to experience the 80s or 90s. Heck, even I wish I were around to witness the early 2000s and browse the internet in its infancy. Yet at the same time we’re ironic about it, we wish for the age long past while simultaneously satirizing it. We wish for a return to the good ol’ days while also realizing how ridiculous the concept of the good ol’ days actually is and making an ironic parody of it.

So what caused this sudden surge of nostalgia and irony? Well I believe it’s because of several things.

  1. We have no core, unifying culture or set of values so we desperately latch on to a time when we did.
  2. We have no real goal to fight for in our era.
  3. Real-estate prices have become so high, our economy has become so unstable, entry level jobs spread so thinly and the ladder so hard to climb that there is almost no sense of progression or fulfillment in work. Ambition seems like a pointless endeavor, so we latch on to a time when it didn’t, when idealism wasn’t just a waste of energy.
  4. Our cities are planned extremely poorly and filled with bland, ugly architecture. There is no beauty in our cities, our infrastructure is crumbling and traffic jams plague every street. Our suburbs all look like the same, ugly pieces of crap. There is no grandeur, magic or cool factor anymore, only bland, inoffensive-yet-oppressive bleakness as far as the eye can see.
  5. Hedonism runs rampant, and just like all other things we get used to it so we want more and more, frying our brains in the process. Also at the first sign of trouble we instantly collapse as we never have been exposed to a true threat.We have never faced any struggle in our comforable, sheltered lives yet our biology necessitates that we crave it. We want competition, we want a good fight but we can’t get it.
  6. The false god of cultural relativism and equality have been forced down our throats.We are trained from birth to believe that all cultures and peoples are equal and that there is no natural order or objective truth. Our decadent postmodern philosophies are based on the denial of hierarchy and competition yet we are inherently hierarchical and competitive as a species. We see the reality that some groups of people are simply not compatible with each other yet the faux intellectuals and mass media constantly tells us with a condescending smug grin the opposite while also contradicting themselves. A practical example of this is people saying “When Britain drew the borders in the Middle East, they forgot to account for the cultural differences between people, forcing them together and leading to the conflicts of today.” while also saying “Diversity is strength! It’s our vastly different cultures and ideals that make us good!”
  7. Political correctness represses our voice in society and creates an environment of faux kindness where nobody is saying what they mean and people are too weak and sensitive to handle dissenting opinions, stifling open discussion and intellect. We are all forced to be nice to each other even when something is an obvious bad. We all have to live in fear that if we say the wrong thing, we will get fired from our job. We all have to live in fear of offending others. It is stifling us, slowly dripping us of the will to live.
  8. The family structure has been destroyed, with things like single parenthood becoming more and more common  even though it has been shown across many different studies that single parents are objectively worse than a proper family. To add further insult to injury, due to economic instability, both parents have to work jobs and send their kids to daycare, which has also been shown to be bad for the development of children.
  9. Thanks to the internet, people have realized the sheer absurdity of many hopes, dreams and ambitions.We realized how ridiculous so many ideas are so we choose to not be sincere at all. Sincerity and passion are seen as a farce. Picture very much related:

Sorry about it being a bit hard to read, for some reason I can’t resize it to be bigger. The text says: “The new generation floats above pop culture and advertisement in a state of constant irony. With the internet it really is very easy to avoid getting duped or buy into fantasies of wealth equating success or happiness. People just want to be “comfy” now. Music is dreamy and spectral, political engagement or sincerity are seen as embarrassing. They keyword is ‘disengage’. Passion is a farce.”

This leads to a culture of perpetual apathy and sadness masked in layers of well produced irony.Nobody cares about protecting the homeland, nobody cares about saving for the long term future, nobody has the emotional toughness or maturity to deal with crisis. Mankind gets reduced to primitive, amoral slugs crawling through life with no real vision for the future. This is the death of civilizations, the fall of society as we know it.

So how does vaporwave relate to all of this? Well it is the perfect representation of our dissatisfaction with society. It is simultaneously serious and satirical, it both an idealization and parody. It expresses what we are concerned with in our own unique style of doing so. It combines modern musical concepts such remixing and sampling with old jazz music, creating a hybrid of past and present. It is slowed down to give it a dreamy vibe, showing how we view a golden age as a distant fever dream, of how we are simply floating above it all, how we are asleep and in the dark. The aesthetic of vaporwave is based on an exaggerated version of 80s-90s sci-fi filters and cheese, a glorification of what was possibly the last real American golden age so far. It is occasionally distorted and meshed together, to further add to the longing and somewhat regretful atmosphere, a mourning for an age past. Finally, it is a combination of an older genre (jazz, lounge music, and funk) with newer electronic music, a perfect reflection of what society should be if it is to continue, a fusion of old traditions and modern science.

So I shall conclude with a series of vaporwave songs and artwork.





Meme Anthropology, Culture, and Memetic warfare

I apologize in advance for the incoherent nature of this blogpost, this is more me just dropping my thoughts down on the internet rather than an actually thought-out post simply because of how abstract the concepts posted here are and how hard it is to express them properly.


Before I get into the details of meme anthropology, I shall ask a set of questions that led me to the idea.

  1. What can become a meme?
  2. In what way are memes created and spread?
  3. Is there a mathematical model on which we can roughly predict the spread of memes?
  4. How does culture and society affect memes?
  5. How does memes affect culture and society?
  6. Do certain cultures have a predisposition to memes?
  7. How are memes handled and created in other cultures and countries?
  8. How did memes relate to the development of a culture?
  9. How does memes affect the human mind?
  10. Can certain behaviors be caused through memes?

Essentially, memetic anthropology is my attempt to answer those questions along with being a way of analyzing human behavior and development like other forms of anthropology. It is the study, documentation, and interpretation of memes across the world from multiple countries and cultures.

Obviously I don’t have the funding, resources, data or skill to feasibly get close to answering these questions, and honestly some of these questions are so abstract it’s basically impossible to answer them, but the concept of memetic anthropology I believe is a novel one that could be an interesting take on general anthropology.


The internet is home to over 3.5 billion people, nearly half the world’s population. So what do they do on the internet? What memes do they post, what content to they create? That is a question that I’ve always wondered about. Other countries have radically different cultures so their idea of a meme might be completely different and original compared to ours. Maybe the way memes spread in their country is vastly different compared to ours. One of my stranger longings is to understand every language in the world just so I could browse every country’s websites and see what memes they have to offer.

A horrific idea I have is the possibility of controlling human behavior through memes. Obviously this has been attempted many times through propaganda and cultural conditioning, but humanity seems to have a particularly visceral reaction to memes. I believe this is because of the deceptive simplicity of the meme, it doesn’t have complex sentences as textbooks and speeches do, it simply expresses the essence of an idea in the most basic way possible. Something that throws us back to our Savannah days where one must make a decision or communicate in the most basic way possible. It allows us to react without any thought, to gain an understanding or relate without any complexity or work. You see, memes are the most basic form of communication, almost like the cavemen pictographs of ages long past. They distill a complex thought into its core essence, into something that’s so easy to consume that even the most daft individual can understand it. Not only that but they are so simple yet trustworthy that they can be the perfect distraction to reality if done right, essentially bloat the internet with so many falsehoods concealed in the form of memes that the truth is impossible popularize—unless it distilled into meme format itself. A time when people are wrapped in such a thick cocoon of irony, apathy and memes that they simply don’t care about anything at all, a time when information suppression becomes pointless because nobody cares that they are oppressed. Think Brave New World but powered by memes. To venture even further into cyberpunk dystopia territory, what if someone discovered how memes affect the human mind so perfectly that they could transmit subliminal messages through memes to affect a human’s thought process on a subconscious level? To literally brainwash people without them even knowing it? Hell what if memes could create a subconscious “trigger” to do something. For example, what if a man was exposed to memes that caused him to subconsciously think “I blow up [insert target here] on the trigger of [insert ‘detonator meme’ here]” so he doesn’t even know what’s going on until it’s too late? Obviously that scenario is a bit far fetched but the idea of memetic population control is very much a terrifying reality. The freakish truth is that memes and the internet in general have the power to make concepts such as privacy, freedom, free-will and truth completely obsolete! The most scary part? People are already doing a basic form of it! The NSA and corporations mass collect your data and create ads based on your preferences through computer algorithms, and these algorithms have become frighteningly accurate. For example, in one case a marketing algorithm was able to successfully predict that someone was pregnant and send baby-stuff based ads to them before the parents of the pregnant individual was able to realize it by analyzing her shopping and browsing patterns (don’t believe me? have some sources! and What if corporations and governments take this to the logical extreme and start “planting” subconscious seeds into people through ads or memes? What if the collective will of the people can be toyed with by something as simple as a meme?

Crap I think I digressed way to far. Eh whatever.

The Great Trump Symposium


The following is a collection of videos, memes, imageboard posts, and news headlines about Donald Trump, mainly the delicious amounts of butthurt coming from democrats.

Have an absolutely Trumptastic inauguration day!

The complete butthurt collection:

Image result for liberal tears






Of course that doesn’t show all the depression and rage, heck, at this point they’re doing the rage stage and depression stage at the same time, thus I’m gonna post some more salt.


Starting off we have the vile cesspit of leftism known as r/negareddit. I already knew of the place before the election so I was preparing myself for their hilarious reactions, but I never thought it would be this tasty!

My reaction to this is a combination of gloating and laughter, but words can only mean so much, so instead I’m going to post this wonderful reaction image:


Now let’s take a peek at twitter and facebook and see the delicious salt that has been brewing there.





Image result for liberal tears

Image result for liberal tears

(This one’s particularly funny because the person posting this is whiter than milk and I’m a dark, swarthy guy laughing at her)

Image result for liberal tears

Image result for liberal tears

Stop acting like whites are the only one supporting the movement. I’m a brown man and I bloody hate your subversive, decadent garbage!

And don’t think this is just some people exaggerating on the internet for likes or whatever. People are legitimately breaking down over this and it’s beautiful.

Just look at this picture for proof:

Image result for liberals crying after election

Or this one:

Image result for liberals crying after election

You can see the genuine sadness in their eyes, that look of pure agony and despair that they have lost. Truly beautiful isn’t it? Well have some more, for your viewing pleasure of course!

Image result for liberals crying after election

Image result for liberals crying after election

Image result for liberals crying after election

Image result for liberals crying after election

Image result for liberals crying after election

Image result for liberals crying after election

This just fills me with more joy and smugness, I think a smug pepe can truly capture the sheer happiness I feel: 1484368187573

And you’d think that their workplaces or universities would still have them work like normal, sane human beings. But no, thanks to years of decadence and softening, the institutions they study at are actually giving them a break.If you didn’t already believe that western society is on the decline then you will surely believe me now. We’ve become a society of weak-willed crybaby pansies.





Absolutely pathetic isn’t it? You see, a society can be best judged by its institution of learning and while our universities still do great research, the fact that this along with “Safe Spaces” and “Social Justice Classes” are a thing shows that we’re decaying as a society. If institutions of learning become corrupted and weak-willed, what shall future generations do? What will society do? Education is something for the strong-willed intellectuals of tomorrow, men and women who are not concerned with trivial things and have a skin as this as an oak tree, not a bunch of crybabies.

Anyways I think you get the point.

Meanwhile in the Trump camp, our glorious victory was foretold months before its occurrence, through the holy repeating integers of the frog god Kek:

Image result for post 777777


Holy Post number 77777777! Also notice the post ID: iAC8FQEK


If that’s not mystical, I don’t know what is. Praise KEK!

But even then, election night was intense and nail-biting. This montage truly depicts the mood quite well:

Finally, when the battle was fought and won, when the meter crept over the 276 line, the celebration finally took place. The movement has finally won  its first victory! The ruinous powers that be recoiled in horror for the first time in seemingly ages! All the comfortably decadent degenerates finally had their bubble shattered, their smug egotistical grins nowhere to be seen, seemingly stolen by the other side.

Of course my terribly written words cannot describe the mood, in fact I doubt anything can, but I feel as though these pepes portray it far better.


Oh and I don’t know where to put this but I felt like including this video in here somewhere.


Have an absolutely TRUMPTASTIC inauguration and keep slurping those liberal tears everybody! This is only the beginning! You see, the subversives have tried long and hard to kill tradition, order and civilization—and succeeded. But man is an ironic creature. It is ironic that this very victory has been proven to be so undesirable that young people from across the world are fleeing from it. But not to the old right, whom they resent, but to an even older right. A right that hasn’t shown its ancient and pockmarked face in over a century, a right whom the old left and old right have killed. This is the irony my friends, that this “victory” of the subversives is the overture to a storm. A storm that will wash away all the filth that has been building up for so long. A storm that will cleanse the Earth and bring humanity to the stars. And this time, there will be no one to stop us.


All I have left to say is


It’s good to be back!

My Ideal Form of Government

People sometimes ask me something along the lines of “What would you do if you’re president?” or “How would you run the nation”. Well my personal ideas on governance are pretty unconventional even among people with similar ideals to me, so I decided to make this post to explain everything.

My ideals can be described as “soft-libertarian” where I think that people should have a lot of the individual freedoms that libertarians often fight for, but less of the political freedoms. This is simply because of the self-destructive nature of politically-free libertarianism, or as I call it “The paradox of liberty”.

Essentially, the vast majority of people don’t really want the individual responsibilities that individual liberty entails, thus they will “vote it away”.  For example, if you legalize all drugs, there would probably be some addicts who lobby government to make it criminal again because they got addicted. Not only that, but the masses often don’t see the long term consequences of their actions and lead a country into the path of destruction. A good example of this is rent control. Pretty much every economist on the left and right universally agrees that rent control is a terrible idea, but the average person doesn’t know that. So they constantly vote the government in for more and more rent control even though it ends up only hurting everyone in the long run.

Don’t believe me? Well have some sources then:

This is why I’m extremely suspicious of giving too much voting power to the average pleb. There should be some controls to ensure the people who are voting are smart enough to understand the consequences of their actions.

This brings me to the first set of laws I would write, which are about voting.

  1. Everyone who is voting has to pay more in taxes than they get benefits from the government with the exception of disabled people and veterans.
  2. They have to pass a basic literacy and math test. To make sure this isn’t discriminatory or biased, all states/provinces/principalities/whatever the name of a subsection of federal government is in a country  have to agree on one standardized, universal test that also has to be agreed upon by a board of educators in the federal government.
  3. They also have to pass a test on basic economics, government legislation, and current issues. This time, the test has to be agreed upon by the economists and political analysts of all 50 states and the federal government and has to be updated every year to keep it up to date.
  4. Everyone who has a salary greater than or equal to 100k a year, people who own land, people who own a business, and people whose net worth (including solid assets) is greater than 80k all get two votes. This is to ensure there is a strong balance of power against the plebeian masses and so that the country always has a slight pro-business leaning. Veterans also get 2 votes because they fought for the country so they deserve to have a better say in government. Also because veterans might get angry that they don’t have 2 votes despite losing a limb for the country, and the last thing you need is a displeased army (plus more than likely veterans would lobby for it anyways).
  5. A none of the above option for all polls so if the none of the above option gets the majority of votes the primaries will be done again.
  6. Independents should be allowed to vote in party primaries
  7. Felons get to vote if they spend 5 years without committing a crime.

The next few points here are around the structure of government and lobbyists.

  1. Congressmen can only serve a maximum of 3 terms.
  2. There will be a complete ban on foreign lobbyists to ensure the nation’s interests always come first on the legislation table.
  3. A ban on former government officials lobbying the government to stop encumbered politicians from continuing to have power over government.
  4. A ban on corporations lobbying for a legislation to stop corporate interests from taking over government.
  5. All declarations of war have to be approved by a board of the nation’s top generals to ensure that we don’t get into any tactically unfeasible wars.
  6.  The government can only take on 1/4 its GDP in foreign debt (i.e if a country’s GDP is 20 trillion, it can only take on 5 trillion dollars in foreign debt)
  7. Districts will be calculated mathematically to avoid gerrymandering
  8. Alternative vote

Otherwise it would basically be identical to how the US government works currently.

Also due to this being just one point, I’m not gonna dedicate an entire section to this but immigration should be on a point-based system like Canada.

Finally, the bill of rights in my country would be identical to the one here in America, but with a few changes.

  1. Hate speech is protected under the 1st amendment
  2. There will be a clause in the 2nd amendment that ensures that there can be no government legislation dictated what firearms the citizens can buy (however private companies can refuse customers if they want)
  3. There will be a new amendment added called “Freedom of Association” that will let private businesses pick whatever customers they want and discriminate if they wish to. That being said government cannot discriminate as its meant to be an institution for all citizens.
  4. There will be a new amendment added called “Right to Bodily Autonomy” that would effectively legalize abortion, drugs, gambling, dueling (as long as both parties agree) and gladiatorial death sports (as long as the parties agree)
  5. There would be a clause added to the 4th amendment that says digital data not publicly available (i.e facebook posts), metadata and communications logs cannot be seized without a warrant and corporations can’t sell data for money.

These are pretty much all the changes I want with the basic underlying structure of government and the bill of rights.

Here’s how my administration would run the government:

  1.  It would generally support the free market and let private businesses do as they please
  2. It would remove state borderlines for health insurance, thus dropping the prices a lot.
  3. It would deregulate a lot of industries in general
  4. It would abolish the minimum wage but give unions more power so workers aren’t completely screwed.
  5. I would remain as neutral as possible in foreign policy.
  6. I would completely gut welfare with the exception of disabled people and veterans.
  7. I would lower taxes but get rid of a lot of the loopholes people use to avoid paying them
  8. I’d decrease gov spending
  9. I’d give subsidies to corporations to explore and colonize space.
  10. I’d support offshore drilling of oil
  11. I’d support fracking

Defending the Undefendable: Drugs

Now before we get started, I’m going to say one thing: I don’t actually do drugs, heck I actually think drugs are for degenerate plebeians. However, I believe that from both a consequential and deontological standpoint, legalizing all of them—and yes I mean all of them, even the “hardcore” ones, will overall benefit society.

First I’m gonna make the deontological argument, mainly because it’s easier. While many have phrased my argument far better than I have, I’m gonna give a shortened version simply because honestly I think its the weakest link the argument chain. Essentially it boils down into saying “People ought to have the freedom to do what they want with their bodies, even if it hurts them.” But honestly I think this is too weak of a case, so I’m going to go on to the consequentialist arguments.

See the interesting thing is that legalizing all drugs actually reduces overall suffering compared to keeping them illegal.

Sounds crazy? Well you’re in for a huge surprise.

First of all, making drugs illegal have also been shown to be rather ineffective as drug deaths have only increased in the past couple of years with most ODs actually being from prescription painkillers. If people are given a cheaper, safer alternative to such painkillers like marijuana—which has been proven to be just as effective—they will flock to it. Which will in turn decrease the number of deaths.

But this a moot point compared to another effect of legalizing drugs. Why? Well you must first understand who supplies most drugs in America. The answer is of course drug cartels, massive crime syndicates similar to the mafia.

Of course if you’ve even slightly seen the news, you’ll probably know that they’re infamous for their sheer brutality, not only to snitches, rats and rival cartel members but to innocent men and women who get caught in the crossfire. The thing that actually allows these vile organizations to get this large and powerful is the revenue from the distribution of drugs so legalizing them would actually reduce the violence simply because the cartels lost their main source of income and in turn, their power. This would also reduce government corruption because there is one less syndicate around to bribe the cops. Why you ask? Because the cartels would have to compete with larger, even more powerful private corporations, which could supply a better product for a cheaper price as they have superior equipment that will allow them to produce more. It would also reduce the number of drug deaths and HIV cases. See one of the biggest ways HIV is spread is junkies sharing infected needles with one another. If large corporations took control of the trade, the needles would no doubt be sterilized and disposed of after consumption. Not only that but the drugs would be produced in clean, germ-free labs, greatly reducing the chances of infection or death. It would also greatly help the insurance industry as many companies would probably create “drug insurance” that will pay for the costs of rehab and such if the user gets addicted. And while there will probably be an increase in petty theft due to people stealing money for a fix, this is far better than people getting killed in the crossfire of a gang war.

Memetic Warfare: A primer

Before we get started, I strongly recommend a quick read of this to catch up with what I’m saying, otherwise what I’ll say will just sound like gibberish.

Done? Good, let’s move on.

So, is there a deity behind the digits? Is there a spirit haunting the code? No.                           However, it is one of the greatest applications of memetic warfare ever devised. What’s memetic warfare you may ask? Well that’s what this post is about.

To understand the concept of memetic warfare, we must first understand what a meme is in the first place. A meme, in the most basic sense of the word is an element of a culture, a system of behavior(s), or an idea that is spread from one individual to another extremely rapidly, especially in an extremely basic manner. Notice how I never mentioned anything about the internet, this is intentional. While the internet is definitely an extremely potent medium through which memes are spread, and really what lets memetic warfare pack its punch (I’ll go into this later), memes don’t necessarily have to exist within the confines of the internet. In fact, as you have seen, memes can directly manifest in the real world. Indeed, memes by my definition have existed since the beginning of time. All mainstream religions, philosophy, and frameworks of thought ever conceived in their most basic forms are memes.

Next, we must find an accurate framework in which memes spread. While there have been many theories on this, the most easy to understand and in my opinion the most accurate is the thought virus model. This model essentially views the spread of ideas in the same way as the spread of germs, where the idea (in this case meme) is a germ that spreads from a host brain to another via telling/sharing/etc, causing it to multiply,spread and mutate through a population. This video explains it far better than I could. As the video said, “thought germs” spreads faster due to the internet. This is why we never saw any form of memetic warfare as widespread, powerful and democratic as we’re seeing now. In those days, it was a lot harder to communicate on a large scale, a lot harder to have one’s voice be heard. Because of this the vast majority of memetic warfare was done by the government through propaganda or corporations through advertising because they were the only entities large and well connected enough to pull it off. The only way for the people to truly engage in it being a popular revolt, uprising or movement and mostly staying contained in a nation. However, thanks to the internet, everyone with a connection has the ability to spread memes, to influence and subvert in ways governments could only dream of. This lack of physical limits and unpredictable nature is what makes memetic warfare a true force to be reckoned with. Its direction and narrative can be shifted, but it cannot be completely subverted no matter how much one side tries.

So if memetic warfare is so powerful, why isn’t the government using it? Well it already is. Most of the media is controlled by the government, allowing them to control the narrative with relative ease. However in recent years, especially with Donald Trump, they have been facing resistance with the counter-memetic warfare of /pol/. Because of this, the government actually has set up an organization to demoralize and oppose Trump supporters and post pro-Clinton messages called Correct the Record, or CTR for short.


They have been paid a total of 1 million dollars to “fight back on social media”. In fact, in one wikileaks email, they said, “Reformed Clinton antagonist David Brock’s team of ‘nerd virgins’ seeks to destroy the anti-Hillary memes he once unleashed.” (source:

This shows that memetic warfare is so powerful that the establishment is actually trying to harness it to stay in power. Meaning that memes have officially become a powerful new tool of a master propagandist.

So in conclusion, war will now be fought in a new front: memes.